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蚵仔寮荒地 x 在地產業重構計畫
NON - Existence | A regeneration project for local industries within Kezailiao

Kezailiao, Kaohsiung
2018 - 2019

Premier Thoughts and Concepts

Kezailiao is a town that locates in Kaohsiung, which relies on its fishing harbor and clam harvesting industry since the town was built. It has developed its own religious beliefs, cultures and local routine throughout the years, but it has been declining in recent years. The declining in population and productivity caused by numerous reasons has led to a fear of the aging of township. To find a way to survive in the future and attracts outsiders to contribute within the town, a new sustainable industry is in need. Thus, the site beside the town, which exists since Chinese immigration but left abandoned has put to discuss during this project. Despite its absurd role in the development timeline, we have decided to dig in more on the relations of local beliefs, conflicts within history, and possible imaginary civilization within the site. 


By reviewing the analysis results and correlations with local beliefs, we believe the absurd state within the site have something to do with angering the gods, which sounds superstitious, but reasonable. To relink the site with local cultures, beliefs and at the same time providing a sustainable future for the people, we have decided to propose a 3 phased development which revolves around forestry industry. The 3 phased development is a process to fill in the historical and environmental blank period, by introducing a fast forward development progress.


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The 3 phased development plan aims to introduce a sustainable forestry and nursery industry, supporting local economy status, while also attracts outsiders by providing reasonable position offers, then gradually shifting to an industrial and cultural park after the economic status has been saturated and matured, providing other possibilities involving art and culture. The first phase will focus on improving soil quality to further plantations. Then forestry industry will be further introduced, cultivating valuable trees while also providing opportunities for locals to develop related industries. By the time the local economy is stable, the industrial area will be planned to shift into a cultural hub and park, encouraging locals to involve in art and culture fields, providing more possibilities for the future while also promoting local culture, beliefs and values.


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Strategies and Plannings

Main Entrance Area & Main Building - Defining the boundaries

Workers' Dormitory Area - Providing basic living needs


Matzu Temple Area - A reverence towards local culture 


Sub architectures within the site


Details within the Site

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