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2022 馬祖國際藝術島-傾聽島嶼的聲音
2022 Matsu Biennial - Listening The Voices of The Island

Nangan, Matsu Islands
Studio : Studio ++ , ArchiblurLab & Other Artists

Listening The Voices of The Island, is an exhibition organized by ArchiblurLab as one of the 8 events of 2022 Matsu Biennial. Inspired by the military background, unique environment and extreme weathers of Matsu, ArchiblurLab organized a one-year long field study and invited 11 artists to create artworks reflecting the imaginations to Matsu. Studio ++ have been invited as one of the artists to create 2 artworks - Weathered Creases  &  A Collection of Textures in Matsu

Weathered Creases - Inspired by the abandoned structures, Studio ++ aim to create an unknown furniture which seems to be familiar and infused with the environment of Matsu. Weathering steel is also used as a material to reflect on the constantly changing weather of Matsu, which will result in rusting at a further time. 

A Collection of Textures in Matsu - Is part of the texture rubbing workshop series cooperated by local villagers and volunteers, aimed to create a different bonding experience of human and the observed environment, and at the same time collect the texture profiles observed by participants as part of the series.

Weathered Creases - Isometric


Weathered Creases - Components

Weathered Creases - Plan & Facade



Setup & Construction Progress


Weathering through time


Weathering textures


A Collection of Textures in Matsu


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