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基隆太平山城 - 生活路徑場域營造計畫
Keelung Taiping Mountain Town Livelihood Area Planning & Design  ( Under Construction )

Zhongshan, Keelung
Studio : Studio ++, WenArt Studio

Taiping Mountain Town Livelihood Area, is a reconstruction project hosted by Keelung City Government, as phase 2 of Taiping Mountain Town redesign. The reconstruction project consists of 3 areas, including Public Square, Entrance Walkway and Sports Track Garden.

The Public Square acts as a platform that connects the Keelung MRT station and Taiping Qingniao Bookstore, while the Entrance Walkway and Sports Track Garden provides connection between hilltop car park and the bookstore. Each of the designs are mostly inspired by the unique topography and the disorder in early plannings of Taiping Mountain Town, which focus on fusing old and new structures, and creating spaces which feels like its originated since the past.


Taiping Mountain Town Livelihood Area - Master Plan



Public Square - Plan View


Public Square - Southeast Section


Public Square - Southwest Section


Public Square - Contruction Progress



Entrance Walkway - Plan View


Entrance Walkway - Southeast Facade


Entrance Walkway - Southwest Facade


Entrance Walkway - Contruction Progress



Sports Track Garden - Plan View


Sports Track Garden - Southeast Section


Sports Track Garden - Northeast Section


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