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私立奎山高級實驗中學 - 環境教學場域設計
Taipei Kuei Shan Experiment School Environmental Studies Area Planning & Design  ( Under Construction )

Beitou, Taipei
Studio : Studio ++

Taipei Kuei Shan Experiment School is a unique independent school system that exists in Taiwan. The school have commissioned Studio ++ to redesign its old environmental studies area which has been used for more than 50 years. 

The project consists of 5 main areas, which is Platform beneath the Woods, Hill within the Hills, Formosan Garden, Hanging Classroom and Rock Playground. A second layer consists of a treehouse and skywalk is added to connect the 5 main areas listed above. Each of these areas are redesigns and extensions based on the original usage patterns of the students, which involved surrounding trees and old structures. Limited by school holidays, the construction is separated into 4 phases in a 2-year span. Phase 1 which includes Platform beneath the Woods has been completed during February 2023, the other areas are still undergoing construction process.

South Section

Environmental Studies Area - South Section


East Section

Environmental Studies Area - East Section



Environmental Studies Area - Master Plan


Phase 1 - Construction Progress


Phase 1 - Details


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