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礦港溪再造委托規劃設計工作 - 希冀橋
Kuanggang Creek Reconstruction Planning & Design - Aspiration Pedestrian Bridge  ( Under Construction )

Beitou, Taipei
Studio : Studio ++

Aspiration Pedestrian Bridge is a project commissioned by CNHW International, as part of the Kuanggang Creek Reconstruction project. Studio ++ is assigned to design 2 of the pedestrian bridges in the riverpark, to provide a connection from surrounding roadsides towards the new riverpark. Aspiration Pedestrian Bridge is designed to be a arched structure, accompanied by 3 expression types of fencing and handrails, providing a dynamic and eye-catching look for passerby. The project has already passed the structural inspection, and is under construction preparation, which will be finished in 4 years span.

Hope Bridge - Master Plan



Hope Bridge - Detailed Isometric


Hope Bridge - North Facade


Hope Bridge - South Facade


Hope Bridge - Isometric


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