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桃園 Vessel 高爾夫球袋展覽館(棄案)
Taoyuan Vessel Golf Bag Exhibition Room (Cancelled) 

Yangmei, Taoyuan
Studio : Archiblurlab

Taoyuan Vessel Golf Bag Exhibition Room is a project commissioned by Vessel Taiwan Branch Director, to redesign the old factory once used to store Vessel products. The project aim to provide a receptionist and briefing area at the 1st floor, while at the same time provide a main exhibition area and guest resting area at the 3rd floor. Each of the designs are luxury themed, using aluminium, golf leather and polished wood as the main materials. Although the design proposal was finished, the project was terminated due to various reasons.

1F Master Plan

Exhibition Room - 1F Master Plan


1F Isometric View

Exhibition Room - 1F Isometric View


3F Master Plan

Exhibition Room - 3F Master Plan


3F Isometric View

Exhibition Room - 3F Isometric View


3F Isometric View

Exhibition Room - 3F Isometric View  ( Interior )


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