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Taipei Huasheng Park Public Art Installation  ( Under Discussion )

Shihlin, Taipei
Studio : Studio ++, ArchiblurLab, WenArt Studio

Taipei Huasheng Park Public Art Installation is an event hosted by Taipei City Urban Regeneration Department in collaboration with ArchiblurLab, as part of「The Shape of Home」public art festival. Studio ++ and WenArt Studio is invited to take part on Huasheng Park's public art, which is 1 of 3 main areas of the event.

Inspired by Tudigong - god of earth in Chinese myths, we designed 4 types of guardians which will each provide a way of interaction with sound, light, water and images from the surroundings, which led the observers form connections with the area. Guided by a line of lightbox, each Tudigong is scattered on both Huasheng Residence and Huasheng Park. trying to bind both separated fields stronger together .

A1 - Tudigong of Luminous


Tudigong of Luminous
Tudigong of Melody

A2 - Tudigong of Melody


A3 - Tudigong of Illusion


Tudigong of Illusion
Public Art Installation Plan

Public Art Installation - Master Plan



B1 B2 B3 - Tudigong of Mercury


Tudigong of Mercury - Expected Textures


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